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Showing posts from March, 2011

Tugas Artikel 2 Perencanaan

MANFAAT SILABUS DAN RPP DALAM PEMBELAJARAN INDRA FAUZI 031 008 043 ABSTRAK Curriculum Education Unit is in line and a new paradigm based on the management of education that gives autonomy to the school. Schools in accordance with the conditions, potential students, and potential areas within certain limits given the freedom to develop their own curriculum. Schools are expected to analyze the strengths and weaknesses that are owned, as well as opportunities and threats faced. This phenomenon can be found in many schools in the early implementation of SBC. In such a situation the role of supervisor is desirable. Supervisory sharusnya provide encouragement as well as guiding principals, vice principals, teachers, and school committees to develop curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plans as an integral part. In the schools have developed a new tradition, which not only work hard, but also think hard to menyahuti autonomy and authority that has been provided by the government. Training ma...